This article originally appeared on June 29, 2021, published by Urban Turf.
Two years after DC United awarded development rights to Hoffman & Associates for the site beside Audi Field, we are getting a look at what is planned.
The developer has applied for a modification of consequence and design review for Parcel B, between Potomac Avenue and S Street, from First to Half Streets SW (map). The project proposes a 130 foot-tall building with 462 residential units; 41,000 square feet of office space; and 50,400 square feet of ground-floor retail, restaurant, entertainment, and performing arts space.
The residential units will include 110 senior units affordable to households earning up to 30% and 50% of median family income (MFI) and 29 units affordable to households earning up to 60% of MFI. The development will also provide 305 parking spaces and 178 long-term bicycle spaces. STUDIOS Architecture and StudioMB are the designers.